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Mastering Continuous Improvement in the AI Era: Advanced Feedback Techniques and Proactive Strategies!

In this dynamic era of AI, customer service expectations are higher than ever. Delivering actionable feedback that fosters a culture of continuous improvement has become a non-negotiable skill for leaders. Join our transformative workshop led by respected industry experts from MaestroQA and renowned Evolution Coach Courtney Orsinelli. They will share a powerful framework for mastering advanced feedback techniques that inspire your team to elevate their performance.

Maximizing Actionable Insights: Learn How Varonis Elevated Quality with MaestroQA’s Performance Dashboards

Join Josh Wilcox, Support Quality Manager at Varonis, a globally recognized leader in data security, for a compelling fireside chat revealing how they use MaestroQA’s performance dashboards to drive efficiency, compliance, and a culture of continuous improvement across the company.

Re-Energize Your Support Team: Transforming Agent Burnout into Customer Support Champions!

Did you know that up to 85% of customer support agents experience burnout, particularly during peak customer demand periods? Burnout not only hampers agent performance but also affects overall customer satisfaction. Addressing burnout is crucial to maintaining a motivated, efficient, and high-performing support team. This workshop is designed to equip you with actionable insights to foster a healthier work environment and drive exceptional results. Join MaestroQA and Evolution Coach Matthew Cooke to discover effective strategies to detect early signs of burnout and turn your agents into customer satisfaction champions.

CEO/CX Strategy
Elevate Your Customer Service with AI Prompt Engineering

In today’s competitive landscape, mastering the nuances of AI can be the difference between good and exceptional customer service. This exclusive webinar, led by MaestroQA’s CTO and Co-Founder Harrison Hunter, will dive deep into the art and science of AI prompt engineering. Learn how to leverage advanced AI techniques and best practices to enhance quality assurance and customer service outcomes across your organization.

Mastering CX Excellence: Learn How Grammarly Achieves Performance Excellence with MaestroQA

In this exclusive webinar, we'll explore Grammarly's innovative approach to quality assurances. Explore the strategic shift that has not only optimized workflows but also empowered their team to maintain high standards of customer service through innovative technology and targeted feedback mechanisms. Gain valuable insights into Grammarly's journey towards CX mastery and learn actionable strategies to elevate your own customer experience to new heights.

CEO/CX Strategy
Beyond ChatGPT: The Evolving Landscape of Large Language Models for CX Teams

Join Harrison Hunter and Vasu Prathipati, co-founders of MaestroQA, as they explore the significant differences and similarities among these cutting-edge models. They will provide a thorough analysis of how the field continues to evolve and offer actionable insights on leveraging these developments to enhance your own CX strategies.

Mastering Omnichannel CX with Six Sigma: Driving Customer Service Excellence in a Digital Age

As digital interactions skyrocket, companies face the critical challenge of aligning their omnichannel strategies with rapidly evolving customer expectations. Join our exclusive webinar featuring Six Sigma experts and leading CX professionals from MaestroQA, and learn how to harness Six Sigma methodologies to not only keep pace with complex customer demands but to gain a competitive edge amidst today’s unprecedented market volatility.

Unleashing the Power of Empathy: Boost Agent Performance and Take Brand Loyalty to New Heights

Empathy is not just a nice-to-have in the dynamic realm of customer service; it's a critical tool that can dramatically influence customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Recognizing the pivotal role of empathy in enhancing customer support experiences, this exclusive workshop, facilitated by renowned Evolution Coach Solunis Nicole Bay and experts from MaestroQA, is your gateway to transforming your team's approach to better customer experiences.

CEO/CX Strategy
Get Smart on AI for CX: Mastering Innovation While Protecting Customer and Employee Trust

Join us for an exclusive webinar led by Dr. Kartik Hosanagar, a renowned expert with 20 years of experience in Machine Learning and AI, and a distinguished entrepreneur and founder. This session is designed for CX and QA teams and leaders looking to harness the transformative power of AI while navigating its complexities and risks.

Unlocking Superior CX: Discover Bombas’ Customer-Centric Approach to Quality & Coaching

Join us for an enlightening journey into the heart of customer service innovation with Bombas, a trailblazer in the apparel industry, known for its mission-driven ethos and commitment to excellence in every customer interaction. This exclusive webinar unveils the behind-the-scenes journey of how Bombas reshaped its Quality Assurance (QA) and agent coaching framework to not only meet but exceed customer expectations.

Beyond Voice of the Customer (VoC): Elevate CX with Six Sigma’s Approach to Customer Satisfaction

In the dynamic realm of customer support, traditional Voice of the Customer (VoC) strategies alone fall short in delivering the insights needed for exceptional service. Join us for a transformative webinar featuring celebrated Six Sigma expert, Pete Pande, President of Pivotal Resources and best selling author, along with distinguished CX quality experts from MaestroQA. Together, they will unveil how Six Sigma’s customer-centric strategies can elevate your CX operations by unlocking deeper insights into customer sentiment and areas of dissatisfaction (DSAT). This session will guide you through innovative technologies and strategies to surface in-depth, actionable insights that directly connect customer sentiment to agent behaviors. We will discuss how moving beyond traditional feedback mechanisms can reduce noise and focus on creating meaningful interactions that drive business outcomes.

Next-Level Agent Performance

Join us for an exclusive session with Evolution Coach, Alicia Jabbar, and the experts at MaestroQA. Discover a modern method that turns feedback from a dreaded task into an empowering process where swift, ongoing feedback enables agents to evolve, excel, and exceed expectations every day. This workshop will arm you with the latest strategies for harnessing customer sentiment, providing you with instant, actionable insights that will elevate customer experiences and drive smarter, data-informed decisions.

Redefining Quality Problem Solving in CX: A Six Sigma Approach to Root Cause Analysis

Join us for a pivotal webinar featuring Pete Pande, President of Pivotal Resources, a celebrated author and Six Sigma expert, alongside the innovative leaders from MaestroQA. Delve into the transformative power of Six Sigma's Root Cause Analysis as we uncover how it can serve as your strategic advantage, spotlighting potential blind spots in your customer support strategy and addressing the real issues behind customer dissatisfaction.

Agent Coaching in the Chatbot Era: The Power of Human Connection ✨ Embracing Targeted Coaching Strategies for Exceptional Agent Performance

As automated systems and chatbots become increasingly central to customer service, the importance of the human touch in customer support has never been greater. Our upcoming workshop will reveal the secrets to delivering personalized, impactful coaching that not only inspires agents but also propels them towards excellence in every interaction. Discover how to recognize and harness each agent's distinct strengths, establish realistic objectives, and cultivate a culture of excellence throughout your team.

CEO/CX Strategy
Maximizing Customer Service Potential: The Evolution from QA to Performance Excellence

As 2024 unfolds, we're witnessing a crucial shift in the customer service and support landscape—from traditional Quality Assurance to Performance Excellence. This transformation is not just about refining processes; it's about leveraging the full potential of your team for strategic business growth. Vasu Prathipati, CEO of MaestroQA, invites you to a critical session that will guide you through this shift and prepare your organization for the future.

Elevating CX with Six Sigma: Mastering the Art of Continuous Improvement in Customer Service

Join us for a transformative journey with Pete Pande, President of Pivotal Resources, author, and a renowned expert in Customer Experience and Continuous Improvement methodologies. In this compelling webinar, discover how integrating Six Sigma’s Continuous Improvement frameworks into your CX and customer support operations can supercharge your approach to quality and efficiency.

Quality & Risk Operational Excellence in CX: How TaskRabbit Elevates Trust in Global Operations

Join us for an enlightening webinar with Cody Summer, Global Risk Operations Manager at TaskRabbit, a leader in the gig economy. Dive into the world of risk management and discover how TaskRabbit's innovative approach to quality assurance and CX risk operations safeguards their global platform.

Navigating Difficult Customers: Turning Dissatisfied Customer Interactions into Empowering Experiences

Join us for a transformative workshop brought to you by industry experts from MaestroQA and executive coach Courtney Orsinelli of Evolution. This session is focused on helping you empower your agents with the skills to effectively navigate difficult customer scenarios, transforming potentially negative experiences into positive outcomes. Additionally, learn smarter ways to navigate these situations by leveraging automated quality metrics and DSAT analysis to gain valuable insights to fuel better agent coaching.

CEO/CX Strategy
Mastering AutoQA Scorecards: How to Optimize for Maximum Business Impact

Dive into the world of AutoQA scorecards and learn the critical factors for transitioning to automated quality metrics and their direct impact on business. This session offers practical tips for evaluating QA scorecards' suitability for AutoQA, an analysis of AutoQA's capabilities in complex issue detection like troubleshooting, and insights into areas where human expertise is paramount. Discover how AutoQA can be leveraged for tangible business benefits and redefine your approach to quality metrics.

Avoid Agent Burnout: Unveiling the Secrets to Peak Performance

On-Demand. Join our exclusive Agent Burnout Prevention Workshop led by the seasoned experts at MaestroQA and acclaimed Evolution Coach Samara Zelniker to discover how to combat this challenge proactively. They will dive deep into a symptom, source, and solution framework - a step-by-step guide to rejuvenate your agents quickly.

Next-Level Agent Performance: Inside Getaround's Modern Coaching & Quality Strategies

On-Demand. Join us for an enlightening fireside chat with Adanna McAlpin, Quality Assurance and Training leader at Getaround, the world's first connected car sharing marketplace. This webinar will delve into Getaround's successful strategies in agent coaching and quality management, which have skyrocketed agent performance and cultivated a culture of customer service excellence.

CEO/CX Strategy
How Quality Teams Are Leveling Up: Innovations & Strategies for Enhanced Business Impact

On-Demand. Join us for a dynamic webinar with MaestroQA's CEO & Co-Founder, Vasu Prathipati, as we delve into the latest innovations in Quality Assurance (QA) for 2023. Discover how these advancements are redefining QA roles and preparing teams for an even greater impact in 2024.

CEO/CX Strategy
Non-Customer-Facing QA Use Cases: How Teams are Driving Business-Wide Performance Excellence Through Quality

Join Vasu Prathipati, MaestroQA's CEO & Co-founder, for an insightful exploration into the lesser-known use cases of Quality Assurance. Discover a wide range of leading non-customer-facing QA scenarios that the MaestroQA team has identified; these use cases are now indicating a significant pattern, enhancing the strategic value QA teams contribute.

From Friction to Fan: Empowering Agents to Overcome Customer Service Challenges

On-Demand. Join this dynamic workshop with MaestroQA experts and Evolution Coach Sandra Ortiz. Dive deep into the art and science of agent empowerment and its potential to transform your customer service approach, transitioning from problem-solving to creating brand advocates.

Fireside Chat
The Team Lead Approach: How Wealthsimple Achieved Customer Service Excellence with Diverse QA Scorecards

Explore how Wealthsimple's innovative CX strategy integrates team leads with quality assurance for immediate insights, effective coaching, and enhanced customer experiences.

CEO/CX Strategy
CEO/CX: Strategy Chats - AI in Customer Experience (CX)

Watch this on-demand video on AI-powered QA with Vasu Prathipati, the CEO of MaestroQA. He’ll examine the effects of AI in CX for growth and customer retention.

Empathy-Driven Customer Service: How to Accelerate Agent Performance & Customer Satisfaction

On-Demand. Watch our exclusive workshop with MaestroQA experts and Evolution Coach Jeanine Becker to discover the power of incorporating an empathy-driven customer support approach. By enhancing agent performance through empathy, you can ultimately elevate customer satisfaction.

CEO/CX Strategy
CEO/CX Strategy Chat: Best-in-Breed QA vs. Bundled Solutions

Join Vasu Prathipati, CEO of MaestroQA, for a deep dive into the pros and cons of best-in-breed QA vs bundled WFM + QA solutions for CX. We’ll spotlight the critical factors you need to consider to make an informed decision about your Quality Assurance and Agent Performance needs.

Fireside Chat
Voice of the Customer Mastery: How Staples’ Quality Insights Reshape the Customer Experience

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Nicole Beepath-Singe, the Training and QA Lead at Staples Canada to get an insider’s look at how Staples’ Quality Team has become the powerhouse behind refining the customer experience. They have recognized that pure customer support, while essential, is not enough. By tuning into the wealth of insights obtained from daily customer interactions, they’ve elevated Quality from a support function to a cornerstone of their business, particularly in eCommerce.

CEO/CX Strategy
CEO/CX Strategy Chat: Navigating Data for Empowerment vs. Micro-Management

Join MaestroQA CEO & Co-Founder, Vasu Prathipati, for an enlightening webinar exploring the influence of data and metrics on QA. Agent training tools such as Screen Captures and KPI dashboards might seem like "big brother" surveillance, but more data actually allows teams to empower agents within adaptable boundaries. Uncover the shift from rigid processes to flexible, data-driven strategies in this engaging session.

CEO/CX Strategy
CEO/CX Strategy Chat: Unlocking the Top 5 Auto QA Metrics

Join MaestroQA's CEO & Co-Founder, Vasu Prathipati, for a webinar on Auto QA metrics. Learn how heat maps guide QA efforts in diverse use cases with real customer examples. Uncover the strength of Auto QA KPIs.

Mastering Difficult Conversations: Turn Dissatisfied (DSAT) Customers Into Brand Advocates

In an ever-competitive business environment, a company’s reputation is often in the hands of its customer support agents. These professionals have the transformative power to change dissatisfied customers into enthusiastic brand advocates. However, this requires mastering challenging conversations. Dive deep with us in a dynamic workshop co-hosted by MaestroQA and renowned Evolution Coach Norian Caporale-Berkowitz. We’ll journey through tried-and-tested techniques and strategies that empower customer support agents to tackle difficult interactions. Discover the importance of active listening, the art of managing emotions, and tactical language techniques that build trust and confidence.

Fireside Chat
From Robotic to Empathetic: How Rent the Runway Revamped Customer Support with Empathy-Driven Scorecards & Agent Evaluation Workflows

In a customer service world increasingly driven by automation and bots, the urgent need to focus on empathy in customer service has never been greater. Rent the Runway confronted this challenge head-on when CSAT surveys revealed that customer interactions felt "robotic" and constrained by strict policy guidelines. Learn how Rent the Runway addressed this challenge by successfully overhauling their CX quality standards, resulting in a huge uplift in customer satisfaction. Join our exclusive Fireside Chat with Michael Haefner, Quality Development at Rent the Runway, to uncover their groundbreaking initiative that prioritized empathy and problem-solving over rigidity. With MaestroQA, they revamped their quality standards and agent evaluation processes – rolling out optimized QA scorecards, automated workflows, and enhanced agent performance dashboards.

CEO/CX Strategy
The Power of Screen Capture in QA & CX

Dive into MaestroQA Screen Capture's transformative power with Engineer Manager Ryan Archer. Explore pain points, dual approaches, admin insights, and Moments feature enhancing reporting. Witness live demos, uncover benefits for quality and coaching, and envision future metrics-driven enhancements. Elevate your QA process with MaestroQA Screen Capture!

CEO/CX Strategy
Unleashing the Power of Customer Conversations

MaestroQA recently hosted "The Art of Conversation," a Customer Experience Summit in New York City. At this event, professionals in Customer Support Quality Assurance came together to discuss the latest advancements in QA technology and their impact on the overall customer experience. Join Vasu Prathipati, CEO & Co-Founder, as he shares participant insights from the summit and invites you to share your own thoughts on the future of CX.

Fireside Chat
Empowering Agent Growth: Quality as a Benchmark at Classpass

In today's customer support landscape, quality and customer experience are intertwined. Classpass, a top fitness class booking app, exemplifies this connection. The Classpass Quality team prioritizes quality for agent growth, customer experience, and training. They collaborate closely with the CX team, evaluating interactions, identifying improvements, and providing feedback for coaching. Amy Fleming, Manager of Education and Quality Enablement, will discuss Classpass' innovative approach at our event. Learn about targeted coaching, automation, and agent groups for optimized quality assessments. Data-driven evaluations and personalized training paths drive exceptional support and performance-based promotions. Explore the impact of quality on customer satisfaction and gain practical strategies for your own customer care initiatives. Secure your spot now!

Master the Art of Customer Support Problem-Solving: Unlock Exceptional Customer Experiences and Boost Agent Performance

Watch on-demand for an informative workshop with MaestroQA and Evolution coach Matthew Cooke. Discover the essential principles of problem-solving to empower your support agents to better understand your customers' needs. Gain strategies to effectively communicate complex information in a teachable way, master the art of targeted coaching and feedback to address the root cause of customer dissatisfaction and enhance agent performance. Furthermore, learn how to cultivate critical thinking skills that your agents can apply in their day-to-day activities.

CEO/CX Strategy
Pros and Cons of Sentiment Analysis in Your QA Programs

In this chat, Vasu Prathipati, CEO and Co-Founder of MaestroQA, will explore Sentiment analysis is a common request we often encounter when people consider AI-powered quality assurance. Discover the potential pitfalls and opportunities associated with sentiment-based metrics, enabling you to incorporate them intelligently into your QA program.

Fireside Chat
Unleashing the Power of Targeted QA: Brooklinen's Path to Customer Service Excellence

Discover how Brooklinen, the direct-to-consumer bedding brand, enhances work quality, efficiency, and impact through targeted Quality Assurance (QA). Join Corinne McClure, Senior Associate of Customer Experience, in a captivating fireside chat. Learn about the transformative benefits of focused coaching, fair evaluation, and streamlined grading. See how tailored scorecards, automations, and smart attributes optimize customer support. Elevate your quality assurance processes and register now for this game-changing event!

Unlock Exceptional Customer Support With Effective Feedback: How to Accelerate Agent Performance with Actionable Coaching & Feedback

Join our on-demand transformative workshop led by respected industry experts from MaestroQA and renowned Evolution Coach Jeanine Becker. They'll bring to you a powerful framework for delivering feedback that not only catalyzes growth but also fosters trust. This is your chance to master crucial strategies that inspire your team to step up their performance. Uncover the nuances of crafting personalized, data-informed feedback, and learn the art of steering productive 1:1 meetings that promote continuous improvement.

CEO/CX Strategy
How to Build BI Solutions for your QA Team

Join us for an engaging discussion with Vasu Prathipati, the CEO & Co-Founder of MaestroQA, exploring the most effective strategies for developing your own in-house business insights solutions for your CX team, all while harnessing the power of AI.

Fireside Chat
Unlocking QA Potential: From Grading to Growth: Fireside chat with Sydney McDowell, Quality and Training Manager at Angi

Listen to this on-demand webinar for an exclusive webinar featuring Sydney McDowell, Quality and Training Manager at Angi, as she unveils the transformative power of QA – turning the company’s culture of grading into a culture of growth that continuously fuels customer service excellence.

CEO/CX Strategy
Current State of Business Insights in CX

In this chat, Vasu Prathipati, CEO and Co-Founder of MaestroQA, will explore how to evaluate AI solutions by understanding how they fit into your Business Insights (BI) strategy for your Customer Experience (CX) team. It all begins with gaining a clear understanding of the current state of your BI team for CX.

CEO/CX Strategy
GPT vs. QA Analyst

With the introduction of AI tools, the CX landscape is once again undergoing evolution. In this chat, Vasu Prathipati and Harrison Hunter, the CEO and CTO of MaestroQA, respectively, will present an experiment they conducted to compare the Auto QA capabilities of ChatGPT against those of a QA Analyst. The experiment raises the question of whether it is possible to align machine learning tools with the objectivity and sensibility of a trained CX analyst.

Revitalize Your Customer Support Team: Transform Underperforming Agents into Customer Satisfaction Champions

Join experts from MaestroQA and Evolution Executive Coach, Matthew Cooke, for an interactive coaching skills workshop that will give you the tools you need to reinvigorate your team. You'll learn proven coaching skills and best practices to improve agent efficiency and drive better performance from your CX team.

Fireside Chat
De-Villainize QA: Build a Scorecard That Agents Trust: Fireside chat with Salmeen Majid CX Quality Assurance Supervisor at Hims & Hers

On-Demand: Join us for an unmissable discussion with Salmeen Majid, CX Quality Assurance Supervisor at Hims & Hers, a leading telehealth brand specializing in eliminating stigmas around health and wellness issues and breaking down barriers for people to obtain quality healthcare. During the event, Salmeen will reveal how she and her team repaired the relationship between QA and front-line agents by de-villainizing feedback and building a culture of clarity and transparency using updated scorecards and team calibrations

CEO/CX Strategy
How to Evaluate “AI” Vendors

In this chat with Vasu Prathipati, CEO & Co-Founder of MaestroQA via on-demand, we will discuss the best practices for evaluating AI vendors. What questions should you ask? What are their strengths? What is the return on investing in AI for your customer support team and your overall business? Vasu will provide effective frameworks, techniques, and tips to navigate the transformation and gain a competitive advantage.

CEO/CX Strategy
Writing the Auto QA Playbook

In this on-demand conversation with Vasu Prathipati, CEO & Co-Founder of MaestroQA, learn how to incorporate an Automated Quality Assurance program that will revolutionize your customer support, improve key performance indicators, and boost your bottom line. Vasu shares valuable frameworks, techniques, and tips to help you navigate this transformation and stay ahead of the competition.

Tame the Toughest Customers: Strategies to De-Escalate Dissatisfied Customers (DSAT) With Ease

On-Demand. Join experts from MaestroQA and Evolution Executive Coach Courtney Orsinelli for an engaging and informative workshop that will give you the essential tools to de-escalate even the most challenging (DSAT) customers and empower you to coach your support agents effectively. You'll leave this workshop with best practices to leverage quality metrics for deep root cause analysis and a clear understanding of DSAT drivers that help de-escalate customers and drive customer loyalty.

Fireside Chat
Automate Your QA: Get to Root-Cause Faster & Prevent Customer Friction

We invite you to watch this on-demand webinar for an unmissable discussion with Marcus Tatum, Quality Assurance Manager at Novo, a leading mobile banking platform. During the event, Marcus will reveal his team's secrets to success and how they utilize a combination of manual and AI-based QA to drive customer satisfaction. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and optimize your QA process. Get access now and take your customer service to the next level!

CEO/CX Strategy
The Value Formula for AI-Powered QA

If you are looking to elevate the impact of your QA program with AI, don’t miss out on MaestroQA’s recent CEO/CX strategy chat exploring how companies are reinventing quality metrics to take customer experience to new heights.

CEO/CX Strategy
The Future of AI in QA

Is your organization prepared for the future of AI in CX? Hear Vasu Prathipati, CEO and Co-Founder of MaestroQA, breakdown the questions you should be asking about AI’s impact on measuring and delivering a high quality customer service experience — including detecting Actionable insights vs. UnActionable insights when analyzing 100% of support conversations, the hype vs. reality of AI and Sentiment Analysis, and the right way to introduce AI into your quality programs. Register now to watch the full recording!

Unlock Customer Loyalty and Agent Performance With Empathy and Soft Skills

Did you know that empathy is crucial in determining customer satisfaction? If you want to take your team's performance to the next level, then this workshop is perfect for you! Our transformative on-demand workshop, hosted by MaestroQA and Evolution Coach Matthew Cooke, will equip you with proven strategies to improve your team's listening, understanding, and empathy skills.

Fireside Chat
Maximize Your Impact: Drive Customer Satisfaction with Performance Visibility & Coaching

On-Demand: With the recent economic downturn, customer support and CX teams are striving to prevent negative CSAT and churn. Tune into our next webinar to hear exclusive strategies that will uplevel your team's performance.

Fireside Chat
Champion-Challenger Model: How to Drive Better BPO Agent Performance & Happier Customers

On-Demand: Watch this informative discussion with Justin Evans, Senior Strategist for Salesforce and seasoned CX expert with 15+ years of experience designing and delivering exceptional customer experiences for brands like Saks Fifth Avenue, HBC, and Hertz.

Implement a Coaching Culture to Unlock Agent Performance

Join MaestroQA's Coaching Skills Workshop on January 10th to learn best practices for creating a coaching culture that gives your agents the feedback and development they need to achieve their fullest potential.

Optimize Your BPO Partnership: How to Drive Customer Service Quality Consistency with MaestroQA

Join our next webinar to learn why some of the most loved brands are using MaestroQA to hold their BPOs accountable to higher quality standards in customer care.

How to Successfully Partner with a Customer Support BPO

Learn the critical success factors of partnering with a BPO in MaestroQA's next webinar featuring Rubiko, a best-in-class BPO that works with hundreds of the world's most recognizable iGaming brands.

Fireside Chat
Transform your Customer Experience with Actionable CX Insights with Shep Hyken

Customer interactions provide a wealth of data that can help identify CX issues and opportunities. Unfortunately, for many teams these insights remain buried across multiple data sources, including sentiment analysis, voice and text analytics, QA data, and survey results. Customer Service and Experience expert, Wall Street Journal and NYT best-selling author, Shep Hyken, and Vasu Prathipati, CEO of MaestroQA discuss the future of CX analytics.