MaestroQA vs Level.Ai

Based on feedback from users who trialed both systems, discover the unique strengths of each platform to find your perfect match.

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An honest perspective

We spoke to prospects who trialed both products and asked them to give us honest feedback on both. Here’s what we learned:

The wants & needs of users who use each tool

User A

“I want to invest in a product that offers Agent Assist and a lot of AI features”

User B

“I prefer AI that’s easy to set up, even if that means it’s more black box”

User C

“I’m overall less focused on traditional QA or improving the performance of my agents”

User D

“Our team has a good-sized budget which could support a tool that’s anywhere from $80-$125/agent/month”

User A

“I want AI but I also prioritize a strong traditional QA experience because I value the human touch in QA”

User B

“I prefer to have more control and visibility into what and how AI is doing things, even if that means spending more time with its initial set up”

User C

“A big priority for me is improving the performance of my team through coaching and need a tool that can support that”

User D

“I value a tool that has strong integrations with the rest of my tech stack”

Final Verdict: MaestroQA vs Level.Ai

Level.Ai will appeal to teams for whom AI is a #1 priority and who have the large budget they command. MaestroQA will appeal to teams who see AI has one of the tools in their toolbox to improve agent performance, but not as the end-all, be-all.

MaestroQA will appeal to teams who seek a stronger balance between AutoQA and Manual QA and desire a great coaching flow on top of them.

Curious to see if Maestro is the platform for you? See it in action 👇

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