MaestroQA's Aircall Integration: Bring Your Calls to Life

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We’re excited to formally announce the debut of our integration with Aircall! 

This post goes into a lot of detail, and we’ll hit on all the big topics: why quality assurance is crucial for call centers, what’s in the integration, and how Aircall users can get started with the integration today. 

What is Quality Assurance? 

Quality assurance (QA) is a process through which managers grade agent-customer interactions against a standardized scorecard – when they do this over and over again, it ensures that customer interactions are all held to the same standard of excellence. 

With QA, you’re continually reinforcing what matters to your company through comparing customer interactions against your scorecard. So the goal of QA programs can be multifold: 

  • Many teams start off hoping to create consistency in every customer interaction, and eliminate negative interactions that result from rapidly scaling a team without enough process in place.
  • After a while, teams strive for more than consistency – they’ll strive to make every interaction more aligned with customer expectations and more true to the company brand. Some of our customers include brand values in their scorecard to accomplish this!
  • Companies use data from the QA process to understand where individual agents and the team as a whole are falling short. With structured coaching programs, this insight leads to improvements in customers’ experiences. 
  • At the highest level of sophistication, QA data can power meaningful changes across the business. It can help you understand the relationship between issues people are reaching out about, the way the support team/business handles those issues, and how the customer feels about those interactions.

Why is QA Crucial for Call Centers? 

It’s really important to understand how agents interact with customers – without that information, you can’t make any meaningful decisions about your support team. You wouldn’t try to make a hard right at 65 mph in the dark with your headlights functioning at less than 1%, would you? In both cases, you’re in the dark. 

While QA is very granular on the ticket level, QA data on a macro scale offers strategic insights into anything contributing to poor customer experiences. 

If multiple agents are messing up on the same technical instruction, QA data can help managers plan targeted training to solve the problem. On the other hand, if multiple tickets highlight a bug in the product or issue with the billing system, that feedback can be relayed to the company’s product or finance team. 

No other support metric gives the same level of actionable insights that trusted QA data does.  Unlike traditional support metrics, the QA score is both objective and reflective of the experience the customer is having. While CSAT and NPS don’t accurately measure agent performance, and only provide insight into a fraction of tickets – QA measures agent performance over a representative, non-biased swath of interactions. 

For example: an agent follows procedure to a tee, but ultimately isn’t able to offer an angry customer a refund according to company policy. The customer feels frustrated by the interaction and leaves a negative CSAT review. In this case, the bad CSAT score is because of the refund policy - not the agent’s behavior. 

The quality audit of that same interaction, on the other hand, will very vividly show that the cause of the negative CSAT was the customer’s dissatisfaction with the policy - not the agent.

Productivity metrics don’t tell the full picture either. An agent could have excellent productivity, but be scaring away loyal customers. The quality score reflects both the experience that the customer had, as well as agent skills that keep the business safe, create exceptional CX, and increase productivity over time.

All About the MaestroQA + Aircall Integration

The MaestroQA + Aircall integration brings the best of quality assurance to call center managers & leaders. We automatically pull call recordings straight into our platform for easy QA – set up in the click of a button (no developers needed!).  

Our system allows you to set up automated grading assignments to filter Aircall tickets for agent and close date, in addition to custom fields like call length and/or inbound/outbound to identify the most impactful calls to grade. Graders are able to listen to calls and provide time-stamped feedback.

Teams that QA calls with MaestroQA + Aircall are seeing increased efficiency, increased agent performance, and better customer experiences across the full lifecycle. Here’s how: 

Increased Efficiency in the Call Auditing Process 

When MaestroQA is used in tandem with Aircall, managers can grade phone conversations in a more efficient and targeted way by speeding up the call and leaving annotations for agents with pinpointed areas of improvement. Time-stamped feedback on customer service calls provides fodder for actionable and effective agent coaching, showing agents exactly where things are going well, or need to be workshopped. 

Better Data, Better Coaching, Better Benchmarking Across Channels

Through MaestroQA’s automated workflows, QA managers can grade Aircall recordings alongside other support channels. Then, QA specialists can slice and dice agent and team analytics to identify coaching opportunities on the team or agent level. 

You can compare how your phone interactions are going relative to, say, chat, or see which of your agents are most skilled on the phone. This will give you a better understanding of your team’s holistic performance.

When paired with a great agent coaching program, this information will really make an impact on your customers’ experiences. Your MaestroQA CSM can help you set that up. 

How to Get Started with Call Center QA

Now that you’re an expert on QA - it’s time to get started! 

We integrate with Aircall in the click of a button - no developers or coding required. The integration is available through Aircall’s App Marketplace.

View all of our other integrations here.

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